Well, I don't think that there are missing functions in Lite-C, but like I said, the Lite Foundation solution is "mit der Kanone auf Spatzen".
However, with Lite Foundation you get some nice feature for free, eg the highscore list length is only limited by your RAM. It shows only 10 because the TEXT has only 10 lines. Together with LBGUI you could create a nice scrollable list.
The code could be also written shorter, the long thing is reading and writing the file, I needed to use the plain C solution via FILE because file_xxx_read and file_xxx_write can't handle binary data.
The other long thing is the inserting into the array, this could be also made shorter by using LFDictionaryRef's. However, the aren't ported to Lite-C yet, so I needed to make the highscore array a bit longer saving first the name and then the score. Once the LFDictionaryRef is available for Lite-C, I can show you how to use them inside the array and how to sort an array of this kind (Lite Foundation offers you an easy way to sort any kind of arrays)


Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
I write blog posts at feresignum.com