Originally Posted By: NITRO777

if that empty space has mass then gravity would pull everything apart...is this the mechanism of universal expansion?

The amazing discovery was not the universal expansion rather the universal acceleration
Both ordinary matter and dark matter are attractive thus the expansion should slow down after the big bang

The Einstein's equation of general relativiy claims that it would be possible to have also a repulsive gravitational force if you have a negative pressure
Remember when Mr Krauss moved the constant from the left to the right side of the equation

The dark energy can supply a sufficient repulsive force at the condition that it is diffused everywhere ,its density being of course, extremely low .

Consequently vacuum does not exist or even better "vacuum" can not exist
Remember when Mr Krauss showed the computer simulation of the space "grid"

If vacuum exist than quantum physics is wrong but Quantum Physics is right being confirmed by thousand experimets

The dark energy is a direct consequence of the Heisemberg's principle of indetermination and it had been confirmed in Lab, many years after, thanks to the Kasimiri's effect
A few years ago it has been drammatically further confirmed at universal scale

Thus the title " Univere from nothing "

Last edited by AlbertoT; 08/28/10 19:11.