Originally Posted By: Damocles

So as long as there is no direct proove,
dark matter" and "dark energy" are just theoretical implications.

well if you mean that the existance of dark matter and dark energy has not been proved yet beyond any reasonable doubt, it is ok but you can not put the 3 alternatives on the same level

As I told in my previuos thread the existance of the energy of vacuum is a direct consequence of the Heisenberg's principle of indetermination
Kasimir proved in lab that it should really exist
Just a few years ago the acceleration of the universe seem to confirm that this strange form of energy is actually is diffused everywhere

Pure coincidence ? faulty observations ?

Well in theory it may be but alternative a ) is definitely the most likely hypothesis

Direct proves are almost impossible in the modern physics but indirect proves are considered as valid as the direct ones

Last edited by AlbertoT; 08/31/10 18:28.