Try this then... And its designed to work with DOUBLES instead of floats.

Click to reveal..
#include <litec.h>
#include <default.c>
#define PRAGMA_PATH "@Bits"

void main()

	STRING* highscore_name 	= str_create("player name");
	double  highscore 		= 1000000000;
	// highscore save
	var highscore_handle;
	highscore_handle = file_open_write("highscores.txt");
		file_str_write(highscore_handle,   highscore_name	);
			file_str_write(highscore_handle, ",");
		file_str_writeto(highscore_handle, (char*)&highscore, 8	);
	STRING* highscore2_name = str_create("");
	double  highscore2 		= 0;
	// highscore load
	var highscore_handle;		STRING* tmp = str_create("#9");
	highscore_handle = file_open_read ("highscores.txt");
		file_str_read(highscore_handle, highscore2_name);
		file_chr_read(highscore_handle, tmp);	memcpy(&highscore2, tmp.chars, 8);

	STRING* tmp1 = str_create("");		str_for_float(tmp1, highscore);
	STRING* tmp2 = str_create("");		str_for_float(tmp2, highscore2);
		draw_text("Score SAVED  =", 10,10, vector(100,100,100));
			draw_text(highscore_name, 180,10, vector(100,100,100));
			draw_text(tmp1, 300,10, vector(100,100,100));
		draw_text("Score LOADED =", 10,40, vector(100,100,100));
			draw_text(highscore2_name, 180,40, vector(100,100,100));
			draw_text(tmp2, 300,40, vector(100,100,100));


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