Hi George,

I don't know if it's my browser, but the downloadables for AUM94 are the same files from AUM91, FYI. But because i really want to check them out i just changed all the '1' in the links to '4' and it worked (obviously).

Anyway, i have a question. I haven't tried the latest shooter template from aum94, but i'm very excited for it. One problem i had with the previous shooter templates is that the enemies tend to shoot while walking, which looks awkward (animation-wise,for me at least) compared to stopping to a complete halt while shooting. Does the aum94 shooter AIs behave like this as well?

Looking forward to new and exciting features to future versions of this greatly improved shooter template, specifically a third person option (hopefully)!

Thank you.

Last edited by AdrianX; 09/07/10 08:56.