hey Landi...

2 upto 3 Hours is much time for an so simple Model...
I miss some "Dirt" it looks like "fresh buyed" tongue
the UV Mapping is not very good created, the surfaces looks always different (very unrealistic for an wooden surface)
How much Polys does this model contains?
Maybe you coul decrease the polycount by merging those Torus Models into some simpler objects (only 6 edges or whatever)
I miss some chalk drawings of the kids ^^
Maybe create the Pointer's as abjects it looks so flat at the moment.
Which Program do you use to model?
And 15$ for this is really too much ! Set it for free or create a bunch of those models for 15$...

cYa Sebastian

Last edited by rvL_eXile; 09/19/10 19:01.

[Blender]Terrain creation ENG/GER
[Blender]Low Poly Tree Modeling
[GIMP]Create a Texture for Terrains