My game now has a menu and a working "New Game" button. When this button is pressed, the game loads my test level, but it creates some weird problems. First of all, the lighting is a bit messed up. My map's lighting is supposed to be dark blue, but when I load this level through the menu, the blue is a lot lighter. Also, some weird, giant, red block appears at the start of the level.

Here's the code for loading the level:
skybox = ent_createlayer("cityskylinebig.tga", SKY|CUBE|SHOW, 0);
SOUND* music = "SONG2.wav";
musichandle = snd_loop(music,80,0);
menu = 0;
gamemenu = 1;

It's basically the same way the menu level is loaded, but the there's code that changes the music, switches some variables, and saves the game, so restarting the level is possible (although, I'm guessing this is inefficient :P).

Anyone know what's causing the level loading to mess up?