I wasn't complaining about this. Maybe I should start right now. tongue


I've never seen or used Unity, but it sounds like it's just another "click-em-together" toolkit. My experience: these packages may come with a lot of nice, fancy features right out of the box, but in the long run you will find that the equipment provided is less than what you need to build a real, decent game. Essentially these tools are like "Battlefield" type games, whose reception essentially plays out like this:

Developer: Look at us! We made this great game where you can drive tanks and command troops and capture flags!

Player: Wow! This game looks so cool!

*plays for a few hours*

Player: Well, I drove tanks and commanded troops and captured flags. Is there anything else I can do?

Developer: Nope!

Last edited by Redeemer; 11/08/10 14:19.

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!