Programming with Unity3D also sucks (sorry that I always rant against Unity3D, but it looks like all of you see something like god himself in this piece of crap).
It might be easy to click some stuff together in Unity, but then you will reach the point where it just isn't enough. Where you want to be exclusive.

That my friend, is completely bullshit.
I am not a Unity fan boy, its just the engine i like to use recently (and i'm open to many other engines, i've tried and used a lot without complaining about it, and i would use other engines if i feel like it's better to achieve games in it (like TGB)).
But why do you think the programming sucks in Unity3D? I am a programmer myself and i enjoy it so much programming in C# with Unity, there are (almost) no limits, you can use almost every system library and do whatever you want. And if it's not enough/working, you can write a dll and include it.

Prototyping is just so damn fast in it as well, i have so many small projects i've started for myself (beside all the commercial stuff i've already did thanks to unity).

NOTE: I am NOT comparing Unity vs A8 here, i don't know A8, i don't know A7, but i loved A6 as well.

So yeah please get more information before ranting about products (and using it for a short while doesn't really count) and keep your pessimism out of topics like this so people can actually take it serious.

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Wind weht alle Worte fort,
Tag und Nacht schrei ich mein Krähenwort!"

Subway To Sally - Krähenkönig