(Ratchet, this is a thread for you!)
Thanks JustSid i appreciate.
Critics are the only way to evolve laugh ! even lot more in real life ! if nobody never critcs you you can't evolve and stay at same leve all yiour life !

Well i presume it's my thread on Iphone games where i talked about A8. Don't forget i stated well that the team making
the game with Unreal engine on Iphone would do as good and even more better if we told all their very skilled 3D artists
to use A8 indeed laugh

For all the rest of engines talks Machinery_Frank have resumed very well all that.

A8 is used by programmers mainly, Unity by 3D artists mainly
and Iphone game makers !
Even that resumes very well these two engines that target
different people and projects.

JustSid :
Use Unity indie also , try their tutorials, i'm sure you'll find some fun laugh
I like a lot A8, i don't use actually Unity free version for my current project and i use ..... A8 !!!!
But if i switch to some more advanced grahical game , i will switch to Unity !

Critics on A8 can only boost the engine even more on tools and workflow, if all people say A8 is prefect ....
ok let it be what it is with programming features only ... ?
Critics are needed to make things move like in life !

Everyone should choose what really brings fun to them , or what engine they really need !

In real life, i have people that make critics on me, that's hard to hear, but sometimes so true, finally it helps me changing my closed mind and open it !

Everyone should critic their prefered 3D engine to make it even better !