You can also make a great game using a very restricted engine,
that has all sets of tools and structures,
but then its called a Mod

I agree making mods is also another solution.
But unity really let you do the game you want, its' not predifined, you can script anything !

For programming features, i admit A8 is perhaps better ??And if you have a solid programing team, any engine
more programming oriented A8 , ogre 3D or other engine will do the job !

But for the lonewolf wanting to do a game, that want to manage as simple as possible ressources, and apply basic shaders as fast and simple as possible as possible , well
A8 is not the best in that domain indeed laugh

But i use A8, and for me that's really ok for my current project ! So it really depends on your needs , and your skills !
In fact i would want to say :
Use two or more engines, try to make things with them !
Then decide depending on your goal and money or if you have simply fun with it what is the best to use in that moment !

And don't forget to critic A8 laugh
I remember during the A6 days , the engine stayed one year and more without updates, critics on forums have changed things ! Today, they are very often betas even if little or only code oriented !
Critics bring better things !

Last edited by ratchet; 11/09/10 18:51.