Check this out, no registration required for download the contents, registration is just for upload new files or buy commercial items, there is no ads, no waiting time and the service are completely FREE.

Check the 3D Game studio Resources category here:
Place to Share and Sale the 3DGS contents

Check item status from each product page,
Verified: The verified Items are safe it means the moderators of this website check them and the package works fine.
unVerified: it means, the item not verified or not works correct or need some assistant from the author.

Uploader called "Product Manager", it is an instant uploader with no waiting just upload the file and then it's accessible instantly after the upload. To reach this section you need to register but you can just use the contents and you may share your contents with others completely free.

Enjoy this great service.

Last edited by Kiavash2k; 11/12/10 11:43. - The place you can share or sale your 3DGS Contents.