Really? That's funny. But no, I mean if only the left mouse is held functionOn, functionOff, and functionOver are not called--though the button image will swap between bmapOn and bmapOff.

So say the player left clicks to grab something and drags it over to a slot, I want to be able to have events trigger that indicate whether that item can or cannot go in that slot--you know, just by mousing over while the left mouse is held down. And then again, if the player drags the item away from that slot, have the message removed.

You can test this really easily with
PANEL* test_button = {
bmap = "panel.png";
flags = SHOW;
button(2, 2, "down.png", "off.png", "over.png", buttonOn, buttonOff, buttonOn);

BMAP* arrow = "arrow.pcx";
BMAP* rev_arrow = "rev_arrow.pcx";

function buttonOn(){
mouse_map = arrow;

function buttonOff(){
mouse_map = rev_arrow;

The mouse cursor will change if you mouse over and change back if you mouse away. But nothing happens if you mouse over while mouse left is held.
