ich hab zufällig den Code noch grin
funktioniert aber nur mit Modellen, normale Level kannste vergessen...
aber wenn du mal dein erstes Bild renderst, wirst du merken, dass es sich nur für Standbilder lohnt...
aber wenn du es dafür brauchts:
hier ist er

// raytracing.c
#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

BMAP* preview_map = "#1024x768x24";

BMAP* ray_bmp;

PANEL* ray_pan =
	layer = 3;

PANEL* pan_preview = 
	alpha = 50;
	bmap = preview_map;
	layer = 2;

VECTOR sun_dir;
int k = 0;
var factor = 1;

/// calculates sunshadow
float rayshadow(VECTOR* start)
	if (k)	return 0.8;
	VECTOR temp;
	vec_set(&temp, sun_dir);
	vec_scale(&temp, 10000);
	vec_add(&temp, start);
	var distance = c_trace(start, &temp, IGNORE_PASSABLE|USE_POLYGON);
	if (distance == 0)
		return 0.8;
		return 0.1;

float fresnel(VECTOR* light, VECTOR* normal, float R0)
	return R0 + (1.0-R0) * pow(1.0-vec_dot(light, normal), 1.0);

void raytrace(VECTOR* start, VECTOR* dir, VECTOR* color, int depth)
	if (depth>3)
		color->x = 0;
		color->y = 0;
		color->z = 0;
		return 0;	
	VECTOR temp;
	vec_set(&temp, dir);
	vec_scale(&temp, 10000);
	vec_add(&temp, start);
	var distance = c_trace(start, &temp, IGNORE_PASSABLE|USE_POLYGON|SCAN_TEXTURE);
	if (distance == 0)		///the sky is the limit
		color->x = 120;
		color->y = 80;
		color->z = 60;
		VECTOR normal;
		normal.x = hit->nx;
		normal.y = hit->ny;
		normal.z = hit->nz;
		if (hit->skin1)	/// fetch the texture
			var format= bmap_lock(hit->skin1,0);
			var pixel = pixel_for_bmap(hit->skin1, hit->u1, hit->v1);
			var alpha;
			pixel_to_vec(color, &alpha, format, pixel);
			//			vec_set(color, hit->blue);
		vec_set(color, _vec(255,255,255));
		var diffuse = 1;
		VECTOR refcolo;
		vec_set(&refcolo, _vec(0,0,0));
		if (hit->v != 0) /// get the normal of hit point
			normal.x = hit->v.nx;
			normal.y = hit->v.nz;
			normal.z = hit->v.ny;
			vec_rotate(&normal, you->pan);
		vec_normalize(&normal, 1);
		VECTOR hitt, n, toCamera, reflect;
		vec_set(&hitt, hit.x);
		vec_diff(&toCamera, &hitt, camera.x);
		vec_normalize(&toCamera, 1);
		/// get the reflection vector
		vec_set(&reflect, &toCamera);
		var d = vec_dot(&toCamera, &normal)*2;
		//		if (d>0)	diffuse=0;
		vec_set(&reflect, &normal);
		vec_scale(&reflect, d);
		vec_diff(&reflect, &toCamera, &reflect);
		vec_normalize(&reflect, 1);
		vec_set(&temp, hit.x);
		vec_set(&n, &normal);
		VECTOR col2;
		vec_add(&temp, normal);
		/// fresnel term for reflection
		float refractionIndexRatio =0.3;
		const float R0 = pow(1.0-refractionIndexRatio, 2.0)/ pow(1.0+refractionIndexRatio, 2.0);
		var fres =clamp(fresnel(vec_inverse(&toCamera), &normal, R0), 0, 1);
		/// refraction effect for glas objects
		if (you && is(you, FLAG1))
			diffuse = 0;
			VECTOR refract, tt;
			float index = 0.9;
			if (distance<0)	index = 1.0/index;
			/// get the refraction vector
			float a1 = -vec_dot(&normal, &toCamera);
			float a2 = sqrt(1-pow(index, 2)*(1-pow(a1,2)));
			var t = index*a1-a2;
			if (a1<0) t = index*a1+a2;
			vec_set(&refract, &normal);
			vec_scale(&refract, t);
			vec_set(&tt, &toCamera);
			vec_scale(&tt, index);
			vec_add(&refract, &tt);
			vec_set(&temp, &hitt);
			vec_sub(&temp, &normal);
			vec_sub(&temp, &normal);
			raytrace(&temp, &refract, &refcolo, depth);	///hu, recursion
			vec_scale(&refcolo, 0.9);			
		raytrace(&temp, &reflect, &col2, depth);		///reflection color
		vec_scale(&col2, 0.5);
		vec_scale(&col2, fres);

		/// some lighting
		var light = clamp(vec_dot(&n, &sun_dir), 0, 1)*0.8*diffuse;
		light += pow(clamp(vec_dot(&reflect, &sun_dir), 0, 1), 30)*1.8*fres;
		light*= rayshadow(&hitt);
		vec_scale(color, light);
		vec_add(color, &col2);
		vec_add(color, &refcolo);

function main()
	fps_max = 50000;
	//	video_window(vector(0, 100, 0), vector(1024, 768,0), 1, "test");
	video_set(1024, 768, 0, 2);

	sun_color.red = 100;
	sun_color.green = 100;
	sun_color.blue = 100;
	sky_color.red = 1;
	sky_color.green = 0;
	sky_color.blue = 0;
	time_smooth = 0.99;
	BMAP* ray2_bmp = bmap_createblack(1024/16, 768/16, 24);
	BMAP* ray1_bmp = bmap_createblack(1024, 768, 24);
	ray_bmp = ray1_bmp;
	ray_pan->bmap = ray_bmp;
	ray_pan->size_x =bmap_width(ray_bmp);
	ray_pan->size_y =bmap_height(ray_bmp);
	ray_pan->scale_x = 1024/bmap_width(ray_bmp);
	ray_pan->scale_y = 768/bmap_height(ray_bmp);
	var zoom = 0;
	int dest = 0;
	VECTOR temp,temp2;
	camera.bmap = preview_map;
		int px,py;
		vec_for_angle(&sun_dir, sun_angle);
		//  		vec_inverse (&sun_dir);
		for (px=0; px<bmap_width(ray_bmp); px++)
			/// resolution settings
			k= key_k;
			if (k) 
				ray_pan->alpha = 40;
				ray_bmp = ray2_bmp;
				factor = 16;
				ray_pan->bmap = ray_bmp;
				ray_pan->size_x =bmap_width(ray_bmp);
				ray_pan->size_y =bmap_height(ray_bmp);
				ray_pan->scale_x = 1024/bmap_width(ray_bmp);
				ray_pan->scale_y = 768/bmap_height(ray_bmp);				
				ray_bmp = ray1_bmp;
				factor = 1;
				ray_pan->bmap = ray_bmp;
				ray_pan->size_x =bmap_width(ray_bmp);
				ray_pan->size_y =bmap_height(ray_bmp);
				ray_pan->scale_x = 1024/bmap_width(ray_bmp);
				ray_pan->scale_y = 768/bmap_height(ray_bmp);		
				ray_pan->alpha = 100;
			var format = bmap_lock(ray_bmp, 0);
			for (py =0; py<bmap_height(ray_bmp); py++)
				temp.x = px*1024/bmap_width(ray_bmp);
				temp.y = py*768/bmap_height(ray_bmp);
				temp.z = 1;
				vec_for_screen(temp, camera);
				vec_diff(&temp2, &temp, camera.x);				
				VECTOR color; 
				raytrace(&temp, &temp2, &color, k*2);
				color.x = clamp(color.x, 0, 255);
				color.y = clamp(color.y, 0, 255);
				color.z = clamp(color.z, 0, 255);
				var pixel = pixel_for_vec(color, 100, format);
				pixel_to_bmap(ray_bmp, px, py, pixel);
		bmap_save(ray_bmp, "ray.png");

das Level playground.wmb enthält nur Modelle, keinen einzigen Block!
Viel Spaß mit deinen Bildern

Hier noch ein Beispiel

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