Sorry, again a question. It seems like after I finished a level he is taking the old score and put they also in the new score table. So in level 1 I had 95 score, in level 2 78 but it also shows my 95 from before.

return_code = webscore_send(pname,level_name,str_for_num(NULL,score),str_for_num(NULL,zeit));
	if(return_code==-1) error("Upload: Missing DLL");
	else if(return_code==-2) error("Upload: No Connection");
	else if(return_code==-3) error("Upload: Wrong Key");
	else if(return_code==-4) error("Upload: Wrong Data/URL");
	return_code=webscore_get("temp.txt",level_name); // Get Scores from score table my_scores to temp.txt
	if(return_code==-1) error("Download: Missing DLL");
	else if(return_code==-2) error("Download: No Connection");
	else if(return_code==-3) error("Download: Wrong Key");
	else if(return_code==-4) error("Download: Wrong Data/URL");
		STRING* temp_str; // To store our score entries
		var i,j;
			temp_str=webscore_get_line("temp.txt",i); // Read score
			if(str_cmp(temp_str,"")) break;
			str_cat(scores_name,"\n"); // add a line break to the score output table
			str_cat(scores_name,webscore_get_index(temp_str,0)); // Read the name from the entry
			str_cat(scores_points,webscore_get_index(temp_str,1)); // Read the score from the entry
			str_cat(scores_time,webscore_get_index(temp_str,2)); // Read the time from the entry

But I can't explain why, it deletes temp and so on?

"Ich weiss nicht genau, was Sie vorhaben, aber Sie können keine Triggerzonen durch Ihr Level kullern lassen."
-JCL, 2011