Hmm.. I looked in acknex's windows.h, and look what I found, around line 6945
long WINAPI VkKeyScan(long ch);
long WINAPI VkKeyScanEx(long ch,long dwhkl);
VOID WINAPI keybd_event(long bVk,long bScan,long dwFlags,long dwExtraInfo);
VOID WINAPI mouse_event(long dwFlags,long dx,long dy,long dwData,long dwExtraInfo);
//long WINAPI SendInput(long cInputs,long pInputs,long cbSize);
long WINAPI GetLastInputInfo(long plii);
long WINAPI MapVirtualKey(long uCode,long uMapType);
long WINAPI MapVirtualKeyEx(long uCode,long uMapType,long dwhkl);
long WINAPI GetInputState(long);
long WINAPI GetQueueStatus(long flags);
long WINAPI GetCapture(long);

It's already there! -- But it has been commented out for some reason.

None of the dependencies for it are there though, as I tried un-commenting it and calling it.. says I'm calling an 'empty prototype'

Any ideas?