Hello George...
Another wonderful edition of my favorite magazine...
Thanks for including the new revised "Super Menu" in this months magazine...

You gave me way...way to much credit for the "Super Menu", I only was the initiator of the conversion to Lite C and getting permission to do so and re-offer it freely.
The real folks that deserve the credit are the original author, Redas Truikys and my good friend who converted the original project to Lite-C, Dennis van den Broek (aka... Helghast).
I need to thank Redas for his great original work and for allowing us to re-offer the converted version.
I also need to thank my very good friend Helghast for his effort.
Helghast has been an excellent person to work with. His knowledge of coding is fantastic and his attitude and work ethic are spectacular.
I most definatly recommend his assistance to anyone looking for an enjoyable work associate. Thanks Helghast!

And... lastly...
Thanks George for all that you do!
Without you... we'd all be lost!