Yeah, I understand what a heightmap is. laugh

The trouble with simply painting a terrain in something like Photoshop or MED (using the Magnet tool) is that you end up with a very hilly terrain that doesn't suit an RTS very well. In an RTS, you need lots of level areas to build bases and move your units smoothly.

Traditionally, RTS games only use slopes to move from one plane to another. I want to emulate that kind of terrain in my game.

EDIT: On another note, I've tried adding "tex_share=1" before my level_load statement, but it didn't seem to work. I think it's important to note that I'm loading an empty level, and then I'm adding multiple map entities using for() loops to act as the tiles.

Is there anyway to tell the engine that I will be loading multiple copies of the same map files, and that it need not allocate multiple copies of texture and/or geometry data for each entity?

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!