With a "floodfill" approach, ou have several advantages:

With the fllodfill I basically mean to generate a topographic map,
startin ftom the target position, where the target has the
lowest count, and all other reachable points in the map
are increasingly "uphill".
You basically fill the whole map, with the target at the
lowest point in the valley.
The pathfinding, does not pre-calculate a path:
its much simpler: the units just move to a neighboring
square that is lower than the current one (going downhill)

Its slower to generate, but it lets you have an unlimited number
of units use the same pathfinding-data to reach this target.
(when you have a group of 10 units, you only need 1
search, instead of 10 with a*)

Also: when something changes on the map, like a unit
blocking the way, you dont need another serach to find
an alternative way. The unit simply uses the next-best
lower-number neighbor.
It works very well, and it fast enough on current computers.

Another thing: you can advance the search to let units
avoid dangerous areas, such as enemy stationry defences.
You do that by adding "hight" value, around the peremiter
of the enemies turrets etc.
You unit will then walk on a path, that walks
around these areas.


for an RTS, a node-based approach such as Intense Pathfinding makes little sense.
An RTS works best on a 2Dimensional gridbased pathfinding map.
(all Blizzard RTS, or the Age of Empires Series use that,
I actually dont know any pure RTS that uses something else)