Sorry bout the delay in my responses, but christmas and all, y'know?

Widi: Thats cool, cause the manual still 'suggests' that it is possible. (grrr)

Germanukol: I probably will try Developers later.

JulzMighty: I was thinking the same concept myself, but Im more focussed on getting
the actual "edge"-detection sorted out first, as the 'fill' process may flow on from that...

flits: D3DXIntersect is basically useless to me dude, as it is testing a RAY intersecting a mesh...
BUT thanks anyway, your suggestion has inspired me to do a bit of research into 'mesh to mesh'
intersection techniques performed at a D3D-level, I didnt think of going there.
(It doesnt matter about if they are included or not, Ive accessed
non-included D3D functions before, so it will be do-able)

I am still going to stay open to further suggestions and/or ideas, but this issue
is now pushed to a lower priority as I want to get the rest of the programs interfaces
completed before I forget them, as theres a lot still only exists in my head,
and I want to put them into code before their architecture falls out my ears...

FYI: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all...

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