So the "Is 3dgs dying" thread has inspired me and my partner to attempt to push 3dgs to the limit, or close to it in that matter, with a new high end boating game we will be developing. I will be doing the scripting and my friend will be making most of the models etc. So the game should look something like this when finished. A simple storyline will take you to ocean boat races all over the world (possibly even Antarctica). You will go through different powerboats as you progress through the game. In the end you win and get an ultimate powerboat as your prize for being N1.

Features of the game will include-
• 3d powerboats
• good lookin 3d water
• icebergs for the antarctica lvl
• high quality skyboxes
• interesting storyline
• smooth cameras that follow your boat when racing
• fog
• wakes behind the powerboats
• AI competitors
• minimap, speedometers, healthbars, etc
• much more

The game will be made with a7 7.77, and if any of you have things you can help me out with such as good Shaders I might need, models, skyboxes, or scripts, will be awesome and will also shorten the time it will take me and my small team of friends to make the game. If you know good scripts that could be useful for the game, please mention them to me. Thanks Guys!