Oh great. This thread is exactly what I need.
I will add a offset at my camera too but there is no clue for me how I can make this done.

So, here it is:
(it is a standart 3rd person view)

void CAMERA_calculate()
		cameraContainer.currentDistance = (cos(cameraContainer.eulerTilt) * cameraContainer.totalDistance);
		camera.x = (cameraContainer.pivotX  - cos(cameraContainer.eulerPan) * cameraContainer.currentDistance);
		camera.y = (cameraContainer.pivotY - sin(cameraContainer.eulerPan) * cameraContainer.currentDistance);
		camera.z = (cameraContainer.pivotZ  + sin(cameraContainer.eulerTilt) * cameraContainer.totalDistance);
		camera.pan = cameraContainer.eulerPan;
		camera.tilt = -(cameraContainer.eulerTilt);
		camera.roll = 0;

The cameraContainer contains all the informations about the player like xyz and pan/tilt.

It would be nice if anybody can help me and Altarius, feel free to copy this code and use it for yourself (if it works of course) grin