Hm yeah i know the colors are for audio but that's confusion me.

Okay let me try to explain it better. My recording device is called Dazzle and it has 3 female RCA slots (Red, White Yellow) to catch the signal from the device youw ant to record with. The dazzle itself has an USB output going to your PC/Laptop.

Normally i could just plug my console into the RCA slots and record it, but then i have to use the recording preview as gaming screen, and this one is laggy of course.

So what people do is, they buy 3 RCA splitters, 2 female -> 1 male.
Each splitter goes into the Dazzle. Then you put your Console cables into each of the female, and use another double sided male composite cable to connect your tv -> dazzle as well.

I need those splitters (2 female -> 1 male). I saw other videos where they use splitters and the package said "Audio Splitter" but they use them for all 3 slots (Red, White, Yellow).

So i was wondering if the Cable itself has a specific setup or something or if its just "cinch is cinch" and you can connect them however you want?

TV -------- Splitter Female #1 ---\
                                   ---Dazzle ---- Laptop. 
Console --- Splitter Female #2 ---/

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