pt1: what changed to your netbook? I never really used dplay_status... i prefered the "connection" variable.

pt2: the end of "Workshop25: Multiplayer" from
gives a hint about Hosting an online game...

the engines commandlines are listed in the manual.

I can't think of anything special to do when you put it on a server except to open up ports and use the right IP-address to connect (for LAN the local ip 192.168... for internet the ip you see on
If you want to list multiple server to choose from like in the steam server browser it gets a little more complex, i guess ANET or GSTNET would help you with that.

Edit: uh the links aren't in english, sry for mixing languages.
here the tutorialpage
cant find the commandline part in the english manual right now, but it should be there somewhere^^

Last edited by Fussfoehn; 01/08/11 13:49.