Originally Posted By: Damocles_
But her head is too small, and she is streached too long.

I wonder why Artists often know very well how to design details, but
fail in the overall proportions.

here a random woman with reference proportions:

Okay, then let's give some feedback to the feedback:
the "random" woman isn't random at all, it is quite probable that she is photoshopped as others to fit to an ideal of proportions.
I agree that the head is to small, although there might be persons who have a small head, but the common and expected proportions of people show a bigger head.
Don't know whether she is stretched too long though, compare the proportions of a Massai with a Chinese, or simply compare the proportions of a tall European girl of fifteen with that of a small adult woman - where is the standard?

The standard is already a standard of "standaredized" expectations.

All in all there are some things that I would adjust to the model as well, but all this is easy to adjust, even at an already finished model.
And, if the modeling tool allows to adjust proportions even with the skeleton, then it is no problem at all.

Last edited by Pappenheimer; 01/09/11 01:16.