This topic, in one form or fashion, comes up from time to time here at the forum. But there are a few things to consider. One thing is that this game development platform has been called GameStudio or 3D GameStudio for over a decade! Whether anyone likes the name or not, there are literally years of name brand recognition attached to GameStudio. Other game development suites have come and gone. Some are still around attempting to slug it out. But GameStudio (known by that name) is still here. Changing the name would undermine years and years of name brand recognition.

In the business world, changing the name of a product that has been around for a while usually spells disaster. It indicates that there are issues with the product. And no matter how enticing the new name is, it may turn off people, causing them to wonder what the real issue is with the product ("Should I purchase this product? After all, they are going down the tubes, aren't they?"). Rebranding is a difficult thing to do and, for the most part, should only be done in serious situations.

GameStudio is a good name (imo). It accurately describes the product. Despite what some people have said, I don't believe it sounds amateurish at all. When I think if a "studio" I think of a place where work gets done, where creative ideas are released to become reality. In the case of GameStudio, it is a studio where work gets done and creative ideas become reality within a real-time 3D framework. The name works. It conveys just what the product is. And, as pointed out, GameStudio has a years old reputation that has withstood the test of time.

Lastly, in the end the name of the suite of tools used makes little difference. People will judge the game or application that is created and if it is good they won't care about the tool used. In other words, a great game or application will not be diminished simply because it was created with a tool whose name is "GameStudio." On the flip side, a terrible game will not somehow become better because the development suite has a really cool name! wink

Having said that, my vote goes for TUSC!