Ok, everything regarding the development of the next version (0.6) will take place here. The development direction is pushed from different sides - some commons users here and one actual team, developing a commercial game, so new features will not only affect quality and speed, but also compatibility to Gamestudio in general and content creation/usage.

The first new feature is caused by this: automatic sprite decal-support. If sprite-entities have the DECAL flag on, they get ignored in the SSAO stage and won't contribute to the softalpha mask, because it is assumed that they are "glued" to the surface behind them. This is how it looks like:

In general, entities can be excluded manually, too, but I doubt that this makes much sense, because AO is shimmering through them, then.

So, if YOU have any feature requests, don't hesitate to post them!

Next: (automatic*) GPU bones support (A8/pro only).

Best regards,

*: depends on JCL finding that undocumented flag wink