You are talking about Unity, right? smile Ok, Occlusion radius is no problem; will be added.

Number of ambient occlusion samples is currently hardwired to one pass (8 samples) and can be changed in the shader file easily - I will see if I can reorganize the shader so that it is used in an accumulated fashion, so that the sample count is constant per pass, but dynamically chainable so that arbitrary passes are allowed --> I simply don't want a conditional loop. The shader is so big, it is making it all worse then.

Intensity of ambient occlusion is already adjustable through two parameters: ssaoConvexHighlight (brightnes of edges) and ssaoConcaveDarkness (darkness of ambient occlusion).

Amount of blur to apply to ambient occlusion will be possibly, maybe - I am tinkering with that stage soon to make it faster.

At what resolution calculations should be performed is now hardcoded to 1:2 (half of the screen). I already wrote on my todo-list that I try to make that dynamic for all postprocessing shaders so that you can vary this; but mainly I wanted to experiment with blurring in a resolution one step smaller than the AO stage wink so, we both meet here, hehe

Occlusion Attenuation is commented on the Unity page with "how fast occlusion should attenuate with distance". What does this mean?

MinZ - "Try increasing this value if there are artifacts": same here, what does this actually do??

--> I see what I can do and I'll add such parameters into the GUIs of all demos for you to play a bit with them wink

[EDIT]: what is meant with "random texture"? The one that determines the random rotation vectors?

Last edited by HeelX; 01/19/11 08:56.