Hi all,
I'm currently running the demo version of 3d GameStudio, and was considering buying the Commercial or Pro edition of the engine, but i've come across a few disapointing problems...

First: I made a level on an Athlon 64 3000+ and when trying to build it said installation incomplete.... i tried it on a P4 2.8ghz and this also said the same..
I moved to a laptop..a P4 3ghz and although it built, when playing it there are no textures! This was really putting me off the program as it does look excellent in all other aspects..
Last, I tried it on a Celeron 1.2ghz with intergrated graphics, and this worked fine.

I don't want to buy the engine and sell games if its not going to work on half the machines....

Can anybody help, mainly with the texturing problem ASAP?
