Yes, you should really overwork the lighting. I like the style, but the dark and lame lighting destroys it. Build in more contrasts. Make it brighter. Add highlights like streetlamps, sun or moonlight, funny and illuminated advertising placats and pillars (you could hide funny enemies in the pillars), lava, water. Apply a glow shader (out of the Gamestudio wiki) on you items. Add some lense flares to the lights. There are many ways to make it look a bit more varying. Don`t use too gaudy colors as they make it look unrealistic.
But the idea is very nice. I`m really looking forward to this. I love oldschool Jump&Runs, especially the childish/cool ones laugh .

Play a bit Bionic Commando Rearmed. Take a look at old games like Bio Menace or Duke Nukem 2. They are all brighter wink