
That was quite a pathetic handling of a troll.

Here's what you should've done: Not replying. Neither the awful-not-funny-joke ("Let's burn the witch"? Seriously guys?), nor the helpful encouragment. Instead, quietly notifying the guys in charge who will then proceed to ban the guy.
I know you can be quite wonderful at not-replying. You never seem to have much trouble doing so whenever I post a wonderful new game, tool, script, ressource or anything else! Try it here!

In other words, the fact that this continues is always the fault of the next person reacting to "whatever this guys name is". laugh

Also, I wonder: The fact that I haven't experienced any logouts - is that another wonderful sideeffect of the truly great NoScript-Firefox-addon that I strongly encourage everyone to install? Why yes, it might just have been!

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

Check out Dungeon Deities! It's amazing and will make you happy, successful and almost certainly more attractive! It might be true!