Has anyone else ran into this problem, where the bottom-right triangle in each terrain_chunk has it's lighting more extreme then the rest of the vertices?

In this example the terrain_chunk = 8, so I could get more into the view. Usually it would be like 32.
Anyway, make terrain_chunk = 16, there would be 1/2 less of these extreme lit triangles, etc.

Our level terrain is 256 x 256 vertices, so we cannot have terrain_chunk = 0, don't want it at 0 anyhow.

terrain_lod = 1, although have tested at 0.

The sun_angle effects how noticeable this chunk edge triangle is (almost unnoticeable at times), but it can still be seen and our sun is dynamic,
so just setting the sun to a position that makes it less noticeable is not an option.

I have tried different WED build parameters, but it always still seems to be there.

If anyone has ran into this problem or has any ideas on how to solve it, I would appreciate the help.


Professional A8.30
Spoils of War - East Coast Games