The game is wonderful overall, I played it about 2 hours yesterday evening. But imho you did a big mistake while publishing it.

I remember that I`ve played the Demo back then. It contained the first two maps of the full game. Problem: The first two maps are the most boring of the whole game. While the first map just doesn`t look that good, map 2 ist absolutly awful (gameplay & graphics). Mainly it consits of two different rooms repeating endlessly. That was the main reason for not buying it on release.

Now I`m in level 5. And all I can say is: All maps since level 3 are awesome. The two space levels are great fun and look so much better than the first two maps! And the jungle map, well it doesn`t look that good, but it`s great fun because of the rocket launcher mechs. I`m absolutly motivated to play the whole game. I like the mech upgrade system and the gameplay. Like in the old Mech Warrior days.

I personally don`t understand why you didn`t make a demo showing the real best of your game. Parts of Preva are awesome, but you showed the most boring level I`ve seen so far in PreVa (level 2). Also the gameplay: It`s so much more fun to fly through space than walking slowly through bad-looking corridors. I really feel sad now that I didn`t get the chance to mention this. To mention, that PreVa is a fun game.

Overall: One of the best Acknex titles. I really like it from the perspective of a gamer. See you in PreVa.. laugh

Level 1

Level 2

Level 4

Level 4