The integrated shader compiling process appears to be crap.

- it is not clear what needs to be done
- the manual only comes up with:

-fxo P A8
Kompiliert alle .fx-Effektdateien. Kompilierte Effekte können die Ladezeit des Levels sowie die Dauer der Materialerstellung deutlich reduzieren. Es werden nur Effekte, die einem sichtbaren Objekt zugewiesen sind, kompiliert. Ersetzen Sie zum Verwenden der kompilierten Effekte. die .fx effect file names in den Materialien durch .fxo

What is this fuzz about assigned to visible objects only? I want to compile my .fx files regardless to how I'm using them!

- it simply does not seem to do anything. And the manual does not really help in finding out what I'm doing obviously wrong
- I don't want to start the project in order to compile .fxo, then re-edit all .fx to .fxo in the scripts and then run the project again. This is major fail in workflow. When I changed some shaders I need to do the whole renaming process again or what?
- why doesn't the engine automatically search for .fxo for any given .fx file and vice versa?

I'm really annoyed right now.