I'm working on skinning a model for the first time in my life, and I've gotten it to have a texture that I really like, except for some horrible seams.

Model skin (it's a bomb):

In-Engine model:

Now these seams aren't a surprise to me, since I went to no effort to make the skin seamless, but still they are a bit shockingly bad. I did try manually Clone-Stamping and Healing-Brushing in Photoshop to get the edges to match up, but this simply isn't practical--it didn't fix the seams, and it made the edges look very choppy and fake.

It would be ideal if somehow I could use the healing brush directly on the model to fix the seams, and the skin image would then be automatically adjusted in the appropriate areas. Is there some kind of third party tool that can do this?

Or maybe there's another method I should be using. How would a more experienced model-skinner tackle this problem?

Thanks in advance for any help!