Hi there,

I think in this forum aree some people who want the xbox360 controller working too.
I think its time to work on this Plugin.

i found an plugin for Gamestudio, buts in C-Script.

Here it is:

xbox 360 controller support(C-script)

I started converting it into lite-c but i failed at the manupulation of the dll.

I am sure here some Scripters who knows working with dll's.

Here is my try to convert the "Xbox_dll.wdl" into "Xbox_dll.c"

//																								//
//		* dllfunctions for support of up to 4 'Xbox 360 controllers' *		//
//																								//
//		  (plugin by DocJoe, Mars, 30th of 2006)									//
//																								//

// use values 1, 2, 3 or 4 for vConroller_Number
// sliders values between 1 - 1000
// axis values between -1000 to +1000
// vibration speeds between 0 - 1000
// render and capture guids can be used in combination with DSound

function  Xbox_Avaiable(vConroller_Number);		//on - off
function  Xbox_ProductName(vConroller_Number, strProductName);	//on - off
function  Xbox_Button_A(vConroller_Number);		//on - off
function  Xbox_Button_B(vConroller_Number);		//on - off
function  Xbox_Button_X(vConroller_Number);		//on - off
function  Xbox_Button_Y(vConroller_Number);		//on - off
function  Xbox_Button_LB(vConroller_Number);		//on - off
function  Xbox_Button_RB(vConroller_Number);		//on - off
function  Xbox_Button_Back(vConroller_Number);	//on - off
function  Xbox_Button_Start(vConroller_Number);	//on - off
function  Xbox_Button_LT(vConroller_Number);		//on - off
function  Xbox_Button_RT(vConroller_Number);		//on - off

function  Xbox_Slider_L(vConroller_Number);		//0 - 1000
function  Xbox_Slider_R(vConroller_Number);		//0 - 1000

function  Xbox_Stick_LX(vConroller_Number);		//-1000 - 1000
function  Xbox_Stick_LY(vConroller_Number);		//-1000 - 1000
function  Xbox_Stick_RX(vConroller_Number);		//-1000 - 1000
function  Xbox_Stick_RY(vConroller_Number);		//-1000 - 1000

function  Xbox_POV(vConroller_Number);				//-1, 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315

function  Xbox_Set_Dead_Zone_L(vConroller_Number, vDead_Value);					//on - off
function  Xbox_Set_Dead_Zone_R(vConroller_Number, vDead_Value);					//on - off
function  Xbox_Set_Dead_Zone_Sliders(vConroller_Number, vDead_Value);			//on - off
function  Xbox_Get_Dead_Zone_L(vConroller_Number);									//0 - 2000
function  Xbox_Get_Dead_Zone_R(vConroller_Number);									//0 - 2000
function  Xbox_Get_Dead_Zone_Sliders(vConroller_Number);							//0 - 1000

function  Xbox_Set_Vibration(vConroller_Number, Speed_Low, Speed_High);		//Speeds 0 - 1000

function  Xbox_Get_Audio_GUIDs(vConroller_Number, strRenderString, strCaptureString);	//off: 	no controller
																														//on:  	controller avaiable
																														//			render device avaiable
																														//			capture device avaiable
																														//2:  	controller avaiable
																														//			render device avaiable
																														//			no capture device avaiable
																														//3:  	controller avaiable
																														//			no render device avaiable
																														//			capture device avaiable
																														//4:  	controller avaiable
																														//			no render device not avaiable
																														//			no capture device avaiable

#define Xbox_controller_1, 1;
#define Xbox_controller_2, 2;
#define Xbox_controller_3, 3;
#define Xbox_controller_4, 4;
#define Xbox_controller_all, 0;	//set dead zone of all Xbox controller at the same time

It crashes when it's trying to open the dll.

I hope we can get it working together!

best regards


btw sorry for my bad english ^^

3D-Gamestudio A8 - Commercial