Originally Posted By: ratchet
This is too much low poly even for Iphone !
And don't forget mobile platform are growing in power :
Iphone 2, Ipad 2 etc ...

Your models only would be good for display in far distance with LOD, but you need lot more detail for car near the camera !

Don't forget this beautifull game is running on a tiny Iphone
, and not a Bigpowerfull PC with A8 !
So 3D art really matters, not only power and engine.

So make somehting really good looking, go to hard work laugh
(post on Polycount forums , people will help you on making
something better and great) !
If you're creating low-poly cars (as you've shown in your 1st post) make low-poly cars grin if you want to make better looking cars like those in racing games like ratchets post (where people expect better lookiing car models) ignore them aswell... maybe people don't understand....
they're LOW... POLY... CARS!

Nice contribution! laugh