Game's fun. It's on the right way.

- ragdolls still need work. had some weird positions there.
- when spawning, SET the position of the new player (directly), don't interpolate it (on the client). I always had you moving real fast from the position where you died to the position where you respawned.
- menu in game is still showing when I go back to the main menu
- icons for "XYZ shot ZYX" aren't all that clear. Might need it larger?
- the weapons don't feel powerful. The sniper felt very weak, because of the sound.
- there should be some recoil, it would make the guns feel stronger and make the player have to aim better.
- the particle effects look real good
- animation blending doesn't work at all. There's lots of "jumps", the weapon-changing ani doesn't look right and is played multiple times when I try to run?

The mechanics themselves look/work/feel good. Seems like you got some solid network code!
Apart from the menu-bug (which is still unfinished, you said), where was no crashes. Well done.

~"I never let school interfere with my education"~
-Mark Twain