Apparently clicking around the armor screen just to see all available armor parts wastes money which makes the credits go negative. (In other words: Do the buying on the server, not on the local profile)

Weapons menu overrides the game menu in-game.

Think of users with widescreen displays! (16:10 AND 16:9)

W + A/D makes weird animations while running

Looking around the in-game menu can be tiresome when you hear a shot everytime you click a button.

Climbing stairs not so easy without jumping

I cant for the love of it choose another weapon

The profile creation screen should not allow one to select a slot if there is no profile in it (creates nameless profile which is extremely buggy and in no way playable)

The pistol seems to need about 30 hits to kill someone, which is totally underpowered. Especially if its the only weapon you can use.

You also need a GUI designer, right now the whole thing is just a lot of stuff garbled up with no uniform style. Loading screen is horrible.

Controls are choppy (you probably work with integers for rotating, which makes the whole thing very stiff, remember roll/pan/tilt can have decimals!)

Now for the positive:

The character shaders seem good.

Multiplayer works, kind of.

SuperBloom works, but should be toned down just a bit.

Good start, but I would not peg it 51%, there is a lot of fine-tuning to be done, and the devil is in the details. Just having lots of half-assed features will never be as good as 2 features that work perfectly.

Last edited by Michael_Schwarz; 02/28/11 14:32.

"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku