I tested game with training run, here are my impressions:

-I like player's model and shader
-I really miss more screen resolution options than 4:3, I use 16:10 and 16:9 monitors
-Game crashed for me when I used rocket launcher
-Ingame esc-menu got covered by weapons panel, so I couldn't click on leave game
-Player walking is a bit strange, he seems like jumping with that giant steps, running is perfect.
-I miss a hand and body animation (movement) when shooting and a bit of camera recoil, it looks a bit artificial.
-I also miss blending between walking and running, or walking and standing.
-In some stairs of test level movement failed and I had to jump to go up.

I know this is just an alpha play-test and I suppose you had planned most of my suggests, but just in case I've posted them

3D Gamestudio A8 Pro
AMD FX 8350 4.00 Ghz
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 960 4GB