Well, tried only the testing run, but there are the following things apart from what was already said:

- I couldnt "buy" any weapons at all. Could be I did something wrong, but by clicking on the panel I could not select the new weapon

- it looks strange how the upper body follows the camera. Maybe add some more constraints and more bend the upper body instead of just turning it at the spine.

- the color tinting stuff in the loadout menu was a bit strange - the armor wasnt really colored, it looked more like an transparent overlay color instead of paint. I suppose you change the ambient or diffuse values of the material?

However, thats the things that sprang to my eye.

Oh, and regarding the animation stuff mentioned: Ask Painkiller for ent_blendpose, he can tell he some stuff which could be helpful for you. Especially regarding the blending from the spring animation. You see, using ent_blendpose you can indeed blend from EVERY possible bone pose, even procedural stuff like ragdolls, to every other pose, no matter if it was set by ent_animate or ent_bonerotate or whatever. Meaning you can very well blend from procedural animation (what I guess you use for the jumping and all that) to keyframe animation using the same system as blending between keyframe animations, and you can easily add a animation layer and -mixing system which will also make the adding of hand of body animation for shooting and stuff a) easier and b) better looking.

EDIT: Oh, and of course - apart from that its already very cool. I liked the basic framework, the characters look cool, though I noticed that some loadout configurations arent really fitting together - some armor parts stick into each other and stuff. But I liked the particle effects, the general style and Im looking forward to see this with some real levels.

Last edited by the_clown; 02/28/11 18:23.