The market for Mac Users should still not be ignored though. Even a 1% share of the market is quite a lot of people. It's sort of like, why does Coca Cola bother selling its products in New Zealand when there are only 3.5 million people there, and the 50 million odd sheep don't drink Coke. Even such a small percentage of the market can still produce a lot of revenue.

Also, some institutions still favor Macs. A lot of educational institutions have been using Macs since computers were first introduced into the education system, and they haven't changed. A lot of art studios favor Macs, probably because of their pretty case design and lovely looking GUI. I still don't know if the there are as many Apple users as there are sheep in New Zealand, but they still shouldn't be ignored. If you could sell 50,000 units of your game to PC users, you might have been able to sell another 1,000 units to Mac users -and that'd buy you a few steak dinners.

Mac is going down the toilet, though. It loses market share every year, even in the US. With any luck they'll disappear altogether and we won't have to worry about them anymore.