@ Fastlane
oh come on now 'lane... you know you were there too... and when the time came, you pushed everyone outta the way and jumped in the front of the line... so you could be the first to get your 'spanking'...

why am i not surprised to see you at the head of this line too...

@ Myrlyn and A Russell
good and balanced viewpoints, reasonably presented...

of course i was taking a tongue and cheek jab at the WinPC 'union' that seems to always race to volunteer to put down anyone and anything that isn't Windows...

the reality of the matter is that either system is a competent OS for the general user... and neither excels at doing anything that much better than the other...

and of course, i say all this at the risk of having the Win/PC fanboy union have a protest march in front of my office...

but hey, i can take a day of pale, glasses wielding nerds, sipping their lattes and drinking their colas, walking around carrying cute lil signs with emoticons sprinkled all over em...

... religiously stopping every hour or so to face the holy city of Redmond, kneel, submit their chants of adoration to their savior, and reboot their systems, or update their virus checkers... whichever comes first...

(sorryyyy, i just couldn't resist that last one )
