
@ CBuilder
ya know, you're not making any sense... first you express interest in a Mac dev tool, then you don't... then you do... then ya don't...

why don't you wait until you make up your mind on what you actually want to do... then i think it would be the appropriate time to engage in pointed questions... until then you are not only wasting your time, but everyone elses who is trying to offer you some assistance...



I really think your reading comprehension needs to improve. You are simply twisting what I wrote.

Exactly where did I

first you express interest in a Mac dev tool, then you don't... then you do... then ya don't...

You will NOT find any wavering interest. However, please do attempt it. It will be fun to watch! Please quote me exactly from my posts to support your point. No Liberal touchy feely I think what you meant is…… Again, exact quotes only.

What I'm clearly not interested in is another currently worthless 2D game development tool like BlitzMax which runs only on the Mac. I want something similar to 3DGS for OS X. I may be interested in something like Blitz3D or DarkBasic if it runs on Windows and OS X.


Last edited by CBuilder2; 12/18/04 00:28.

Total_Stupidity = (Ben_Roethlisberger + Motorcycle) - Helmet