
ok CBuilder... that's what i get for trying to help you out...

you have to expect the sort of stuff that Fanboylane posts... he can't help himself... but you don't have to listen to him...

... unless you want to.

but here are some recent reasons as to why you might not want to listen to his looooonacy...


fastlane69: Well some of that isn't 100% true. We didn't have to threaten them with legal action, we just had to ask them nicely to change. And part b (the illegal copy) is a lot more complicated then I have time to talk about. Just want to make it clear that this is your view on what happened,

posted by one of the senior admins in order to set the story straight after one of Fastane's creative storytelling episodes about something he obviously knew nothing about...


the day ANYONE confuses my opinion for the "official"

in the same thread, 'lane even admits to being a lil off the centerline himself...

so... you are free to follow him... your choice CB...

ok, in response to what you say...

I really think your reading comprehension needs to improve. You are simply twisting what I wrote.

Exactly where did I


first you express interest in a Mac dev tool, then you don't... then you do... then ya don't...


You will NOT find any wavering interest. However, please do attempt it. It will be fun to watch! Please quote me exactly from my posts to support your point.

ok... here's what you asked for... prepare to have fun, as you put it...


Now, I am trying to find a good MAC 3D development environment that is as good as 3DGS.




When you do, please let us know!

and this...

If I had a Mac, I could test it out.

now i don't know about you, but that sure sounds like you're interested... then, a few posts down you say

When 3DGS for OS X comes out, I'll run out and buy one. Until then, it would just be a nice conversation piece!

now that doesn't sound like the same person who was so interested in a cross platform (mac/win) a few posts up...

now does it... maybe it's your comprehension thats needs a lil adjusting CB... i'm only reading exactly what you posted, trying to offer you some helpfull advice...

but hey...

I appreciate your wise words.

if you think that a guy who thinks that a hand puppet is wiser than he is (by his own admission) is someone who you wanna follow... hey, go right ahead...

i'm on,ly trying to help you and point out your options... but i can't really do that if you are saying one thing one minute.... then something else the next...

and then when i point this out to you, you get offended... ok, i'm out of it...

let's let the other people who are genuinely interested in the topic lead this discussion...

