
ok, now this is just getting wierd...

i was gonna ask you about your references to me being a LIBERAL (what was that all about), but i chose to ignore that crap (if you knew me you'd realize that there is very little that is liberal about me, but you don't, so how could you come up with that nonesense)...


Judas hung himself. Jesus said, "Go forth and do likewise."

now you start to babble off some lunacy about Jesus and Judas...

what's next from you... lines from the Three Stooges TV series!!!


I only want quotes directly from my posts, in context.

where do ya think those quotes came from... my god, loooooook uuuupppp
you made these statements... you said em, in the context i presented em...

sorry, i'm not gonna litter up the entire forum any further by completely replicating your statements as quotes...

you should've never questioned my ability at simple comprehension... now yours is at stake...

besides... i said you already won...


can ya put a lid on it already, YOU"VE WON ALREADY!!!!!

for god's sake spare the forum any more... i refuse to post any more of your quotes... this is past incredulous...

mods.... mods... helpppp!!!!
