I also use 3DCoat, and Love it!~ Ratchet: I also Love Silo3D for all my modeling stuff, now I used to use Fragmotion ALOT!! It Beats Milkshape3D hands down.. but since then I NOW ONLY Use Silo3D 2.2 or 2.1.1 if 2.2 keeps crashing on the bugs from multiple cuts, and gets on my nerves too bad, then I will go back to 2.1.1, but either way Silo and it's total Configurability, both function wise and grafx wise, I can even make it look like Maya or Lightwave or 3DS Max not only look, but actually function like it, with custom buttons, and custom mouse / keyboard shortcuts, and viewport configs..

Besides the configurability, it's face / or box modeling toolset is 2nd to NONE.. You can do anything, and the Tweak or Surface tool or Poly tools, when used with the Multi-selection tool, and subdivision with instance mirroring, ability to go back and forth in the subdivision levels while editing makes creating humans or anything organic awesome and easy, then either keep the high level of detail by editing the cage, or go back to lower poly levels, and save the results..

If you keep the higher poly subdivided model, load them into 3D-Coat, and sculpt it w/ voxels, o' also the topology tools, then render -> bake all the maps into bump / texture maps, to re-apply to the low poly version of the model, which you can also edit inside Blacksmith3D bending, denting etc.. inside BS3D, I know you can do some of it in 3DCoat, but sometimes it's a little better in BS3D, like I love the clone brush, once you learn how to scale, move the picture that you drag and drop in the window, and setup a reference point for using the clone brush, if you use a hi-res image, you can get awesomely realistic details..

That's it, I didn't want to turn this into a 3d grafx app flame war, if you want that, they are available to participate in all over the net at various CG Web Forums..

I'm merely trying to help some of the newbies out there, without a ton of cash to waste, on apps that might not be the best thing for them.. Like me, I'm Disabled, and on a limited income, so I can't afford to wasted $2000.00 on something I'm not going to be happy with later..

Thanks for listening,

Ciao' 4 now,


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