I have several problems with the demo SCRIPT (not the compiled demo):

I must make this clear. I have played the compiled demo and it runs great. I expected the same from compiling the script but this is not the case.

1. Am I the only person that had to change the scripts to get the car demo to work? I really appreciate the free (for pro users) script but it doesn't work as is. Certain functions required a vector and had values set to 0 (zero). I had to change these to nullvector.

2. Am I the only person that is having problems with the car breaking (stopping) when I try to accelerate? This happens with the keyboard and joystick. I have narrowed it down to this piece of code located within the SpeedControl() function located within physics_car.wdl:

// if we drive in one direction and want to change direction, apply brakes
// (angSpeed>0 checks if rear wheel is turning forward
// direction<0 checks if user hits reverse key
if ((angSpeed>5 && direction<0) || (angSpeed<-5 && direction>0))
targetSpeed=0; // brake
// press brakes quarter down when rolling at high speed
if (abs(angSpeed)>0.25*maxAngSpeed)
phcon_setmotor(wheelRL, nullvector, vector(angSpeed*0.5, 0.5*maxTorqueBrake,0), nullvector);
phcon_setmotor(wheelRR, nullvector, vector(angSpeed*0.5, 0.5*maxTorqueBrake,0), nullvector);

if (abs(angSpeed)>0.50*maxAngSpeed)
EventBrake(); // braking sound


Why in the world is this code automatically breaking for me with that EventBrake(); call?

Someone please give me some good code.