I have to say that I don't give a damn about what the media (at least here in Germany) have to say about this. Pretty much all of them are just trying to sell the story and virtually started giving the reactors the count for multiple times. They often also bend the little information that exists to fit their needs like the cementing of the reactors. Of course there are preperations to cement the reactors because ... well if you start with them when thing have gone utterly wrong it's too late (i.e. unnecessary late)...

I just saw on N-TV that they even started to add in a "bang" sound to that video where we first saw an explosion at the power plant (at least I didn't know of a version with any audio)...

My very personal guess:
Nothing bad (i.e. worse than right now) will happen. Maybe we'll see some more caesium / iodine but nothing like in Chernobyl...