Here is a stand alone example. You should not have to write out every member of a structure or class at any time. Think about it. What if your structure or class were 3,4 or 500 lines easily done in gaming industry. I'm Finding out by using this engine more and more that the norm is not the norm and forget about what you know when you use this engine. Been using another engine in visual c++ and honestly, there is many many easier ways that wont work in gamestudio.

//test add_struct

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>


typedef struct PERSO{
	int age;
	char* name;
	char* nickname;

PERSO* Person;

PERSO* new_person()
	PERSO* new = sys_malloc(sizeof(PERSO));
	new->nickname = "Toto_2"; // test name
	new->age = 18;	
	return new;

TEXT* test =
	strings = 2;
   pos_x = 10;
   pos_y = 10;
   flags= SHOW;

function save()
	if(game_save("save",1,SV_ALL) <= 0)
		error("save not found");
		error("save success");

function load()
	if(game_load("save",1) <= 0)
		error("Load save error");
		error("loaded save success");

function quit()

function send()
	Person.nickname = "Toto";		


function main()

	video_mode = 7;
	video_depth = 32;
	video_screen = 2;
	on_f2 = send ;
	on_f3 = save;
	on_f4 = load;
	on_esc = quit;
	on_close = quit;
	Person = new_person();
	while(1) {
		str_cpy((test.pstring)[0], _str(Person.nickname));	

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